The Woodland Mod (WM) travel team, consisting of owners and curators Jaimie and Steve, along with Digital Manager, Maria, have returned from Sweden & Denmark with many stories of inspiration and adventure, along with a new collection of curated goods from Swedish and Danish designers that will soon be brought to the shelves of Woodland Mod. After the two week journey from country to country, multiple meetings with current vendors and artists, as well as the attendance to the famous 3daysofdesign festival in Copenhagen, there are many stories to share!
From the moment that the trip began, traces of Woodland Mod followed our team even they sat on the first plane to go abroad. While waiting on the Icelandic Air aircraft waiting for takeoff, an ad for beloved friends and long-time Icelandic perfumery brand, Fischersund, popped up on the airplane screen! Followed by an ad for our newest Icelandic skincare brand, Angan, immediately after. It felt like a little wink to our team that this was going to be a successful trip.
Known for their “democratic design” style in the form of high quality, accessible, and minimalist furniture design using clean lines, Stockholm, Sweden was naturally the first destination for the WM travel team to explore. The team stayed in Old Town Stockholm, a more traditionally preserved part of the city reflecting historic colorful buildings and cobblestone streets. However, while Old Town may reflect the historic Swedish style architecturally, this part of town was teeming with short walks to many unique and modern decor and home goods shops.
Our team stumbled upon a storefront for our beloved staple brand, Iris Hantverk. Iris Hantverk is a Swedish company that employs visually impaired craftsmen to handmake exclusively designed and carefully crafted cleaning brushes and products. Established in the 1900’s in Stockholm, this brand has a reputable history and has amassed a large fan base around the globe. Woodland Mod proudly has carried this brand since our opening day, with our particular favorite products being the oiled walnut shaving brush, the oiled beechwood bench brush, and the delectable Bar Soap 3 Pack. It was a joy to see the storefront in person in the country where it was founded.

The storefront for Iris Hantverk located in Old Town, Stockholm
Exploring Stockholm’s historic monuments, massive churches, and famous museums led our team to some unexpected shops down side streets that introduced them to some brand new artists. The storefront for Erika Petersdotter Ceramics was a team favorite. Not only did the ceramics reflect a unique and calm beauty in shape and texture, but Erika herself was extremely kind and willing to give the backstory behind her work as a ceramicist. The team walked away with several unique mugs and pieces.

Ceramics by Erika Petersdotter line the shelves in her storefront in Stockholm
The final stop in Sweden was to the remote island of Vårholma, a small destination with no cars and only two boats per day willing to make the trip there. Because Woodland Mod is highly influenced by Scandinavian reflections of the natural environment and slower living, the WM team felt that taking some time to unwind outside of the busy city setting to experience a calmer style of life in Sweden was beneficial productively, mentally, and emotionally!
Before getting to the island, our team decided to make a stop at a Swedish Japanese-inspired soaking pool facility. Equipped with salt saunas, ice pools, and an intentional Japanese bathing ritual, the team was immersed in the world of Onsen Saru and cleansing rituals similar to those evoked by many of Woodland Mod’s Japanese and Scandinavian bath and body products. After a bit of relaxation, it was time to head to Vårholma. At the small cabin directly on the water, our team spent time gathering their notes from the days of exploring Stockholm and created goals for the Woodland Mod storefront moving forward that were inspired by the Swedish design principles and storefronts explored in the days prior. It truly was a hygge paradise! It was the perfect way to unwind before starting the trip across country lines into Denmark the following day.
Maria admires the natural scene from a museum window in Sweden
The cabin view from the shore of Vårholma, Sweden
“Copenhagen evoked strong emotions from me and reinvigorated the reminder within myself as to what values Woodland Mod was founded on in the first place” - Owner and Founder Jaimie McCausland

A common scene in Copenhagen's bike-friendly streets
From the moment the train crossed over the long bridge from Sweden into Denmark, our team knew that Copenhagen would have so much to offer over the next week. Colorful displays of old houses down every cobblestone street, public spaces lined with groups of friends laughing and enjoying outdoor coffees and happy hour, and of course, an unimaginable number of bikes. The joyous energy was palpable and so unique to anything our team had experienced elsewhere.
Even Denmark’s museums, including the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, offered gift shops teeming with our favorite brands and aspiring brands as well. Even when not intentionally trying, one can truly find modern design and decor in every corner of Denmark.

The Nyhavn Canal in Copenhagen, Denmark
With infrastructure perfected for walking and biking around the city, discovering new areas and exploring was made easier than ever. The established bike lanes led our team to so many corners where artists and cute shops were hidden. From minimalist pet supply stores to colorful shops displaying handmade paper lanterns and ceramic plant hangers. Jaimie and Maria received a personal tour of a printmaker’s lino cut and press studio simply by wandering in and saying hello.
Day 2 in Copenhagen brought the launch of the internationally acclaimed 3daysofdesign festival hosted all around the city in various landmarks and old stunning buildings. The 3daysofdesign festival celebrated its 10th year in Copenhagen this year by featuring over 290 brands across 13 districts over the course of 3 inspiring days. Many of the brands featured were names familiar to Woodland Mod’s shelves, including Hein Studio, Humdakin, Fritz Hansen Skagerak, Ferm Living, and Form & Refine. One of the greatest opportunities of this festival was getting to meet the people behind the brands. For example, our team bumped into artist Rebecca Hein herself, who has designed various vases and prints sold in Woodland Mod. Jaimie had the opportunity to meet with representatives with Humdakin after years of solely communicating digitally. The event was full of positive energy and amazing opportunities to connect with the creative minds behind the products on Woodland Mod’s shelves.

A familiar vase by Hein Studio and designed by Rebecca Hein sitting in the window of a 3daysofdesign exhibit window
A scene from Form & Refine's exhibit at the 3daysofdesign festival
In addition to connecting with the representatives of current brands, the festival showcased an impressive number of new designs and artists exhibiting everything from clean lined furniture to lighting, wall decor to outdoor seating. Our curator, Jaimie, was able to connect with several brands that had long been on her list of desired vendors for the shop as well as came up with some exciting new ideas for product goals for the coming year.

Modern, sleek furniture design commonly found in Copenhagen as part of the 3daysofdesign Festival
With each day of 3daysofdesign, our team was taken all around Copenhagen’s districts (with the easy help of the quick underground metro) to explore visually stunning exhibits of design and decor with groups of visitors that came from around the globe for this iconic event. A huge highlight was getting personally invited to see the Ferm Living Show House, which exhibited their entire collection, new and old, in a stunning home setting against the backdrop of music and lively conversation.

Jaimie admiring the decor in the Ferm Living Showroom House
After ending the week with the final day of 3daysofdesign, our team returned home full of inspiration, lists of new ideas and connections, and a deep appreciation for the Scandinavian people and cultures that truly made the trip unforgettable and full of warmth. Beyond professional connections, many friends were made over the shared passion and appreciation for the values that have shaped Woodland Mod from the beginning - a slower way of life, an appreciation for functional simplicity in new innovative design, and a shared sense of community through art. This trip certainly will leave its mark not only on our travel team but on the future for Woodland Mod as a store for Seattle to share in.
The Woodland Mod Travel Team (Left - Right: Maria, Jaimie, and Steve)