An elegant hourglass sand timer which measures 15 minutes precisely from the start of each turn.
In our time-pressed and information-rich world, it can be a challenge to find a moment for ourselves. Our lives are so busy and frenetic; we are always forgetting to make time for what really matters. This hourglass sand timer reminds us to carve out 15 minutes a day for what truly counts. It demarcates a very modest and manageable period to dedicate to the important things we so often let slide – finally writing that letter to an old friend, rationally analyzing our career ambitions, or playing in a concentrated way with a child. It’s an antidote to wasted days and a counter to the urge to procrastinate, prompting us to do a minimum of what really counts.
The subtle grey colour and clear graphics make this product both call attention to itself and step back when not needed. The tiny ‘15’ on the glass is a subtle reminder as to its purpose: to allocate a bit of time to the things that give our lives their meaning.
Glass timer | instruction booklet and box |13 x 5.5 cm